Friday 16 August 2013

词二首: 如梦令 / 采桑子

如梦令:戏作 (和李清照韵) Fun Piece (After a poem by Ms Lǐ Qīngzhào of the Song Dynasty [960 - 1279] ) 夜半星沉雨骤, Mid-night the stars had submerged amidst the sudden rain 浓睡不须红酒。 The sleep was deep despite not having red wine 轻触枕边人, I gently touched the person next to my pillow 唾沫鼻鼾依旧 。 As usual the snoring was loud accompanied by a drool 知否? 知否? Do you know? Do you know? 窗外雨停花瘦。 Outside the window the rain has stopped and the flowers are in tatters 李清照原韵(The Original Poem by Lǐ Qīngzhào) 昨夜雨疏风骤, Last night the rain was sparse and the wind sudden 浓睡不消残酒。 The deep sleep did not wear away the wine 试问卷帘人, I asked the person drawing the blind 却道海棠依旧。 She said the haitang flowers are still the same 知否、知否? Do you know? Do you know? 应是绿肥红瘦。 The leaves should be greener, the flowers few 采桑子 重阳作客有感 步毛泽东原韵 (Written on Chinese Ninth Moon, after a poem by Máo Zédōng) 平生认定韶华短, I have often thought that life is fleeting 心似朝阳, My heart is like the rising sun 岁近残阳, My age resembles the setting one 欲坠黄花难溢香。 The falling chrysanthemum struggles to exude its fragrance 年年岁岁平安渡, Every year passes safely 意念春光, Thinking of springtime 留住春光, Holding on to springtime 不惧人间雪与霜。 I fear not life's blizzards and grime 毛泽东原韵: 采桑子·重阳 (Original by Mao Zedong: Chong Yang-9th of September) 人生易老天难老, Life ages fast but Heaven is timeless 岁岁重阳, Every year there is Chong Yang* 今又重阳, Now, too, it is Chong Yang 战地黄花分外香。 The chrysanthemums in the battlefield are especially fragrant 一年一度秋风劲, Once a year the Autumn wind is brisk 不似春光, It doesn't look like springtime 胜似春光, It is better than springtime 廖廓江天万里霜。 In the broad expanse frost stretches for ten thousand miles Chong Yang重陽: The Double Ninth Festival observed on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese (Lunar) calendar, is a traditional Chinese holiday, mentioned in writing since before the East Han period (before AD 25). According to the I Ching 易经, nine is a yang number; the ninth day of the ninth lunar month (or double nine) has too much yang (a traditional Chinese spiritual concept) and is thus a potentially dangerous date. Hence, the day is also called "Double Yang Festival" (重陽節). To protect against danger, it is customary to climb a high mountain, drink chrysanthemum wine, and wear the zhuyu (茱萸) plant, Cornus officinalis. (Both chrysanthemum and zhuyu are considered to have cleansing qualities and are used on other occasions to air out houses and cure illnesses.) On this holiday some Chinese also visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects. In Hong Kong, whole extended families head to ancestral graves to clean them and repaint inscriptions, and to lay out food offerings such as roast suckling pig and fruit, which are then eaten (after the spirits have consumed the spiritual element of the food). Chongyang Cake is also popular. Incense sticks are burned.[1] Cemeteries get crowded, and each year grass fires are inadvertently started by the burning incense sticks.[Edited from Wikipedia].

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