Monday 3 February 2014


甲午年贺岁七绝五首 (押先韵): Five Classical Poems for the Year of the Horse: 1. 炮竹声声震撼天,光阴荏苒rěnrǎn 送斯年。乾坤变色潮流转,不惧将来不计前。 The sound of firecrackers rattles the sky / Time marches on, in a blink another year has passed us by / The world changes colour; the tide turns / I fear not the future nor regret what has gone by 2. 天旋地转流光逝,炮竹声中又一年。长叹韶sháo 华留不住,迎新弃旧惜当前。 Sky turns, earth rolls, time charges on / A year has gone amidst the loud firecrackers / I often sigh at how Time not slowing down her pace / To welcome the new and farewell the old, but I shall treasure the now 3. 火树银花不夜天,街头巷尾庆新年;人生长恨光阴短,何日重逢共月圆? Fireworks light up the trees; the night is unending / In the streets and the alleyways everyone cerebrates the New Year / Time is short and fleeting, I often lament / When shall we meet again to join the full moon? 4. 马到功成送旧年,举国同庆乐连天;莫问从今何处往,只缘努力胜当前。 The galloping horse brings success and sends off the old year / All over the land everyone cerebrates; joy fills the sky / Ask me not where I will go from now / I shall trudge on to better the present time 5. 天涯海角留人处,结善交游处处缘。一年从此流光逝,只事耕耘不怨天。 At the sky's fringe and the sea's corner where I am allowed to be / I plant the seeds of goodwill by mixing well with people / A year has lapsed as time trudges on / I shall do my best and not blame Heaven Wish all my friends Happy Lunar New Year of the Horse. 恭喜发财 新年进步 心想事成!! May the Lunar New Year bring you wealth, happiness and progress. May your dreams take flight.

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